PO Chattergoon

I am a Probation Officer. My work involves providing a free space for my clients to feel openly to communicate with things they are going through and whatever is on there mind. My purpose within supervision is to ensure they are doing what needs to be done to better benefit them in there future endeavors. Weather that maybe getting a job, going to school or even picking up a trade or hobby. Along with living a law abiding life within society. Creating a safe space within the community. My goal for them is to see that I am here to help for them to utilize my knowledge and my resources to help them find a way to achieve there full potential, there goals, hopes and dreams. It is a working process there will be bumps in the road but anything Is possible.


NYC Department of Probation NYC Department of Probation
The New York City Department of Probation helps build stronger and safer communities by working with and supervising people on probation, fostering positive change in their decision-making and behavior, and expanding opportunities for them to move out of the criminal and juvenile justice systems… More
PO Chattergoon

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