
Rebecca from Chicago, IL

Raising 4 amazing kids & going to school. I'm 1 certification from my dream career!

I need to complete my Infant and Toddler Specialist Certificate. As the head of my household, I have to stretch one income to support my whole family.


I am a single parent of four amazing children. I recently graduated from Truman College with an Associate's in Child Development- Preschool Education. I am a member of the Logan Square Neighborhood Assocation's Early Childhood Cohort, as well as a member of Center for Changing Lives Financial Coaching Program.

My goals are to continue my education. I would like to transfer to University of Illinois at Chicago in Spring of 2018 to be part of their Human and Learning Program. Once I obtain my degree I would like to work as a Chicago Public School teacher.

I need to complete my Infant and Toddler Specialist Certificate. Recently, I became head of household and have had to stretch one income to support my family. Therefore, I am unable to pay for this certification.

This certificate will allow me to increase my current income, meaning I will be better able to support my family, as well as meet my future goal of enrolling at the University of Illinois at Chicago's Human and Learning Program.

Need funded!

Thank you for helping Rebecca fund this need.

$600of $600

Need funded!

3 supporters


This need has been validated by Jeanette from Center for Changing Lives

Recent supporters

  1. $200
  2. $50
  3. $350



Validated by Jeanette from Center for Changing Lives (What does this mean?)

I first met Elsa as a member of LSNA's Early Childhood Education Cohort. We have worked together to find ways to fund her education, as well as tackle financial emergencies. She has successfully applied for all eligible benefits, scholarships, and is doing her best to look for additional employment outside of education. She also serves as a volunteer adviser in our Early Childhood Financial Advisory Council.

About Jeanette

I serve as the Early Childhood Initiative Financial Coaching Coordinator at Center for Changing Lives. As a finanical coaching coordinator, I build and maintain relationships with Early Childhood Education Centers (ECE) to provide one on one and group financial coaching to workers, parents, and… Read more