
Hokulani from Chicago, IL

Bus fare for a 24-week computer class will help me land work + move past homelessness

My son and I recently became homeless. I found a course to help me get an office job, but need help with transportation.


I'm a recently homeless single mother of a 7 year old boy, needing some help to get back on her feet after going through a rough patch in my life. I'm enrolled to take classes to get a job in an office, but unfortunately I am not able to make the classes due to transportation challenges.

Due to my situation and the shelter I am in, it's hard to get back and forth. I'd like to start working so I can save money to move, and have my own place again. Unfortunately with no transportation to get me to the classes and job interviews, I am unable to do that at the moment.

I need help paying for transportation/bus cards that cover the 24-week class. With the Microsoft certification that the class would get me, I would be able to add something new to my resume and get a better job as an administrative assistant.

Meeting this need will help me advance my career and get a job that will help me provide from my son. I would be very thankful to get the help I need for transportation to classes and interviews, and start rebuilding my life.

Need funded!

Thank you for helping Hokulani fund this need.

$420of $420

Need funded!

6 supporters


This need has been validated by Joanna from Center for Changing Lives

Recent supporters

  1. $35
  2. $100
  3. $10
  4. $230



Validated by Joanna from Center for Changing Lives (What does this mean?)

I have been working with Hokulani for some time now on her employment and financial goals. She is very eager to get into the Office Careers Training class so that she can get experience, certification, and a permanent job. She is extremely reliable and excited for new opportunities. If I know anybody with determination to achieve a goal, it's her.

About Joanna

I am a Business Solutions Coach that works to make connections with employers and match them with the clients that we are helping to find employment. I also conduct mock interviews, workshops, and host hiring events.