
Sean from Freetown, Sierra Leone

I need help paying for exam fees and studying materials!

I need financial assistance to help me pay for the exam fee. I also need help paying for extra classes and textbooks to help me prepare for my exam.


Sean Thanks You and Your Benevolence! Apr 5, 2024

Here's a video from Sean where he talks about how grateful he is for all the support from his donors:

Here's a transcript of the video: "Hi, thank you very much for your support, I'm currently studying I.T. and the courses that I'm studying are: Excel and programming. Your support will help me advance my studies, thank you once more."


I am a dedicated student. I come from an impoverished family that cannot help me pay for my school fees. My mother is a single mother and did her best to provide an education.

My dream is to become a lawyer one day so I can fight for justice for the people in my community. I admire the work that lawyers do. But first, I need to pass an entrance exam to qualify for college.

I need financial assistance to help me pay for the exam fee. I also need help paying for extra classes and textbooks to help me prepare for my exam. Funds will also pay for my bus fare to go to classes.

After passing the WASSCE exam, I will qualify to go to college and study law. Once I'm a lawyer, I can earn my way out of poverty. Then, I can help pull my family out of poverty.

Need funded!

Thank you for helping Sean fund this need.

$339of $339

Need funded!

4 supporters


This need has been validated by Sylvester from Develop Africa

Recent supporters

  1. $100
  2. $25
  3. $100
  4. $114



Validated by Sylvester from Develop Africa (What does this mean?)

Sean is a dedicated student with extraordinary dreams. He has the necessary motivation to be successful in life. All he needs is a helping hand. Please join us in helping him get to the next level.

About Sylvester

I am the President of Develop Africa. My work involves oversight of the organization and also managing different projects. I enjoy being able to assist people with potential who need a "hand up" out of their predicament or inability. I am passionate about helping to create opportunities that… Read more