PO Jelani

My job title is Probation Officer Assistant. My work involves providing help for clients that are on probation with comprehensive case management services. The services include finding programs that is best suited for the client including mandated programs by the courts. I also assist clients in finding employment and education, if needed. My job also requires me speak with clients by-wkly or once a month, to ensure they are following there goals and plans that were set for them. also to make sure that they are not violating any protocols that were set for them, while on Probation.

What i like about my job is seeing the clients accomplishing there goals, finding employment, evolving into better people, seeing the clients become self-sufficient and becoming law abiding citizens.


NYC Department of Probation NYC Department of Probation
The New York City Department of Probation helps build stronger and safer communities by working with and supervising people on probation, fostering positive change in their decision-making and behavior, and expanding opportunities for them to move out of the criminal and juvenile justice systems… More
PO Jelani

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