
I am a NYC Probation Officer who assists probationers in leading law abiding lives. My motivation comes from trying to help those who need it the most and need guidance in things that may be difficult at times.


NYC Department of Probation NYC Department of Probation
The New York City Department of Probation helps build stronger and safer communities by working with and supervising people on probation, fostering positive change in their decision-making and behavior, and expanding opportunities for them to move out of the criminal and juvenile justice systems… More

Needs validated

$80of $80

Need funded!

1 supporter
Funded on 10/25/2019

Mya from new york, new york

I need funds to buy a birth certificate copy and get a state ID so I can find work!

I was raised in foster care & now I'm finding I can't get work without an ID. I need funds for my birth certificate & a NY State ID to move forward. More

Validated by Noreen from NYC Department of Probation


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