
George has worked in the social service field for over 7 years and at Inspiration Corporation for over 5 of those years. George began his career at Inspiration as a part-time Lead Milieu Manager in 2008, in this capacity he was in charge of overseeing all meals, behaviors during meals, and proper staffing of the milieu. Within one year’s time George was promoted to full time status as a Supportive Services Coordinator taking on the added responsibilities of the Art for All and Healthy Living Programs, both of which were designed to help bridge the gap of accessibility for participants to services that may not be available to them due to their income. Amenities such as baseball, basketball, hockey games, museums, theater, health fares, financial planning councilors, chiropractic, and regular health care just to name a few. In 2013, George was once again promoted to Career Specialist where he meets with participants to help fulfill their career and educational aspirations. Through one-on-one exploration participants discover their career options while also being provided resume and cover letter writing assistance and interviewing skills.


Inspiration Corporation Inspiration Corporation
In an atmosphere of dignity and respect, Inspiration Corporation helps people who are affected by homelessness and poverty to improve their lives and increase self-sufficiency through the provision of social services, employment training and housing. Each year, Inspiration Corporation works with… More

Needs validated

$286of $285

Need funded!

12 supporters
Funded on 7/15/2014

Akosua from Chicago, IL

I'm a widow striving to live independently - I need household items!

My goals are to maintain stable housing, go back to school and return to teaching! Household items will help me create the space I need to succeed. More

Validated by George from Inspiration Corporation

$465of $465

Need funded!

17 supporters
Funded on 7/8/2014

Yale from Chicago, IL

I'm proud to have overcome homelessness! A computer will open countless doors for me.

I'm working towards my GED, but I don't have access to a computer to finish my coursework (my house is far from school and the library). More

Validated by George from Inspiration Corporation

$100of $100

Need funded!

4 supporters
Funded on 12/5/2014

Morris from Chicago, IL

I have a job opportunity in my field but I need my driver's license to take it.

I need a driver's license to work driving patients with disabilities. When I I finish my degree, my license will help me get a job in counseling, too. More

Validated by George from Inspiration Corporation

$255of $255

Need funded!

3 supporters
Funded on 12/6/2014

Rose from Chicago, IL

I'm an RN with 20+ years experience. I need to renew my licensure to find a job.

After nursing for decades, I lost my job and became homeless. Now I'm ready to work again, but I need to renew my nursing and CPR licensure. More

Validated by George from Inspiration Corporation


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